Solution Focused Approach Ideas

Pushing Past the Struggle

Pushing Past the StruggleBy: Dr Linda Metcalf

Help students rise above challenges by externalizing problems. Discover how this technique can transform struggles into growth opportunities for resilience and joy in school.

Pushing Past the Struggle

A Stunningly Simple Way to Make a Difference

A Stunningly Simple Way to Make a DifferenceBy: Dr Linda Metcalf

Discover how a simple act of smiling can transform a school environment, making a significant difference in everyone's day.

A Stunningly Simple Way to Make a Difference

Beyond Locks and Alarms: Embedding Mental Wellness into School Safety Plans

Beyond Locks and Alarms: Embedding Mental Wellness into School Safety PlansBy: Dr Linda Metcalf

Explore how integrating mental wellness into school safety plans creates a holistic environment for student success.

Beyond Locks and Alarms: Embedding Mental Wellness into School Safety Plans

The COPE Squad: Empowering Students through Personal Coping Strategies

The COPE Squad: Empowering Students through Personal Coping StrategiesBy: Dr Linda Metcalf

Explore the COPE Squad's journey in empowering students to discover and share personal coping strategies.

The COPE Squad: Empowering Students through Personal Coping Strategies