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Monday Ideas for School Counselors

Weekly articles for school counselors with ideas on how to resolve typical school situations with students, teachers and parents using the solution focused approach.

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The Beginning of Finishing Well

April 24, 20232 min read

As the school year winds down, so do we! For me, it has been a busy year and looking back, at first it seems like the months flew by, but, my calendar reveals otherwise! There were lots of projects that were accomplished and some activities that were quite stressful.

I could think:

“Wow, I got through it all. Thank goodness.”

Or, I could think:

“Wow. How did I do all of that?“

Which question would keep me excited to keep going?

Yes, the last one, which is a solution focused question that is a lot more helpful. The answers can give me the solutions I created to accomplish some “good stuff.”

So, on this Monday, a few weeks until our students take off, let’s take a few minutes for you to reflect on the good stuff that might help you to finish up the year well.

Sit back, and take a few minutes to reflect…no need to write down anything unless you insist!

Think about a few students that you have helped this year. What might the students say you did that made a difference for them?

Think about all of the things you were required to do that sometimes seemed insurmountable. How did you do those things?

Recall the guidance lessons that seemed to resonate with students best. What lessons might the students say worked best?

Recall teachers who struggled, yet benefited from your words and actions. What might they say you did that helped them to make it through?

Finally, looking back closely, what core values did you use that got you through the year? Make a mental list.

That last question is a special one.

When you keep your core values close, you can get through the tough times and come out on the other side, finishing well. As a result, not only you benefit, but your students, teachers, parents and yourself!

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Dr Linda Metcalf

Linda Metcalf is the best-selling author of Counseling Toward Solutions and 10 other books. Linda is a former middle school teacher, all-level certified school counselor, licensed professional counselor supervisor, and licensed marriage and family therapist in the State of Texas. She is a Professor at Texas Wesleyan University.

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