Monday Ideas for School Counselors
Ever notice how many students who are referred to you for behavior problems tell you that their teacher just does not like them?
And, have you ever tried to talk to that teacher and share the goodness that only you seem to see in that student, only to be told, “well, you should see her in class?”
So, on this Monday, early fall, with months ahead, let’s do something to break this trend.
Let’s talk Solution Focused Team Meetings.
At the end of this Monday Ideas, you will see a google docs link. Click it and it will take you to some forms to use for a solution focused team meeting. Do that after reading the following steps:
When a student is referred for behavior concerns:
1. Listen to the complaint.
Then ask the student who he/she wishes that the teacher would see someday soon. Make a list of their answers of who they really are. Questions like:
“What is your teacher missing in you?”
“What would your friends say the teacher doesn’t realize about you?”
“What would your parents wish the teacher would notice?”
Write all of these down. Be patient, even if the student says “it won’t matter,” persevere.
Then say: “So, let’s imagine that you began to show this side of you sometime soon in class. If I peered through a window or door, what would I notice you doing that you aren’t doing now?”
Write down their answers.
2. Ask the student and call the student’s parent(s) to come to a team meeting the next time it is scheduled.
At the meeting, let the student sit next to you. The student doesn’t have to say a lot. Get the student’s permission to read what you wrote down in your individual session with him/her.
3. Send out the Exceptions Observation Sheet to all teachers a week in advance.
Ask them to bring the form to the team meeting.
4. Schedule the meeting and follow the guide in the google link.
5. Watch for success.
After a few days, go find the student and ask, “What’s better?”
I think you will find that involving the student in a solution focused team meeting will create motivation that you have never seen before. Asking the teachers to observe exceptions will begin to help change their mindset about the student.
When the student hears some better things from the teachers, it will change relationships with the teachers and give the students a chance to see their teachers differently.
Click here to download the Google Doc for Solution Focused Team Meetings
May the Solution Force be With You.
Practical tools and strategies for school counselors to help students achieve their goals
Practical tools and strategies for school counselors to help students achieve their goals
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