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Monday Ideas for School Counselors

Weekly articles for school counselors with ideas on how to resolve typical school situations with students, teachers and parents using the solution focused approach.

Illustration of inner and outer circles of support highlighting personal connections that enhance well-being.

Who’s in Your Circle of Support?

February 24, 20252 min read

It’s Monday, so let’s take some quick “me” time to get you off and running!

Dr. Becky Taylor is a Certified Play Therapist, and professor at Texas Christian University. She shared with my students recently an exercise that I think we ALL could use this time of year.

It’s called Circles of Support, and she shared a drawing that appears like the one below. I loved the drawing and her ideas and wanted to share some thoughts about it to help you have an awesome week! 

My Circle of Spport Graphic

As you look at your circle of support, imagine the people closest to you. We’ll call that your inner circle.  Those are the people in your life who contribute to your happiness, self-confidence and more.

Think for a moment about the members who are in your “inner circle.” 

Make a list.

How does having that inner circle make a difference to you?  

How are you better from having those persons in your life? How else? 

What do you do for them, to keep them close?

Now think about the persons in your “outer circle.”

Make a list.

How might they be helpful to you at times this week?

What do those persons do that makes a difference for you?  What else?

How are you better from having those persons in your life? How else? 

Suppose this week goes well, even though you have many students to see, calls to make, meetings and more.  You manage to make it through just fine and as a result, leave on Friday, thinking, “this week went really well.” Think for a moment, how you might utilize your “circles of support” to get you there, so you are at your very best.

You know, each of us are the result of the systems in which we live and sometimes, systems need some updating, like everything else!

The solution focused approach can help us with that by reminding us of times when we are at our best!

Who are you near to then?

Who else?

We might even realize that we might need to join some new circles ourselves.

I am proud to think of you all as part of my circle. You bring my ideas to life out there. I am grateful for each of you.

May the solution force be with you and, your circle of support.


PS. Send this to your teachers - they deserve a great week too. This would also make an awesome guidance lesson for friendship issues… which just happens to be my topic for SF Connection this week!  

solution focused school counseling
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Dr Linda Metcalf

Linda Metcalf is the best-selling author of Counseling Toward Solutions and 10 other books. Linda is a former middle school teacher, all-level certified school counselor, licensed professional counselor supervisor, and licensed marriage and family therapist in the State of Texas. She is a Professor at Texas Wesleyan University.

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