Monday Ideas for School Counselors
With three months left in the school year, it’s easy to focus on our exhaustion, the challenges, and the long to-do lists.
But what if we shift our perspective?
Instead of asking, “How will I get through this?” let’s ask, “What’s already working, and how can I do more of that?”
A solution focused approach reminds us that even in the busiest seasons, small successes and strengths are already present—we just need to notice and build on them.
Think about a recent moment when you felt a spark of success. Maybe it was a student who finally grasped a tough concept, a meaningful conversation with a colleague, or a simple “thank you” from a student who needed you that day.
What did you do to make that moment possible?
What strategies or strengths did you build upon to make the success happen?
These reminders of our competency can propel us through the week!
Here are two ways to put these thoughts into action this week:
See the student with an attitude as a student who desperately needs you!
It’s easy to think that a student is coming to school with an attitude, but I would discourage you from shortchanging yourself! You see, problems are relational. If that student had a tough night at home with his sibling or parent and as a result comes to school with an attitude, instead of seeing that student negatively, smile while gently touching their shoulder and say, “I am glad to see you.” That’s it. Yes, the student may still look at you, even with a grimace and not even reply, but I promise, that brief interaction might dispel many emotions and help that student do better in class.
Instead of being overwhelmed by what’s left for you to do over the next three months, ask, “What’s one small step I can take today to move forward?”
If your calendar is full like mine, of school requests and students needing my help, it can be overwhelming. Yet, I would bet if you looked back over the past six months of school at the other loaded calendars you managed to get through, you would be amazed at yourself! My questions then become:
How did you get through the past six months?
What would your students say you did that made a difference for them?
As a result of knowing how you changed their lives or their ability to learn, what did that do for YOU?
You see, I write Monday Ideas for you, not your students. When we, as school counselors, teachers or administrators are at our best, we can easily affect 10, 20, 30 students or more! Again, it’s that butterfly effect that is so phenomenal.
So, as you navigate the final stretch of the school year, remember that progress doesn’t have to be huge to be meaningful! Watch for the smile from a student who rarely smiles, or an answer from a high school student that tells you he wants things better with his teacher, or a surprised look from an elementary school student who figures out how to engage a friend at recess.
Then know that it is YOU who made the difference. And that will get you through.
Practical tools and strategies for school counselors to help students achieve their goals
Practical tools and strategies for school counselors to help students achieve their goals
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